You are reading this because Holy Spirit has been pursuing you. He wants to draw you in to deeper places in His heart. His love for you is without conditions. His heart for you is more pure and beautiful and wild than you can even imagine.
My name is Danita Jenae. I’m an author, speaker, poet and artist. My favorite things are the sound of laughter, the hugs of my children, holding hands in prayer, and the way I cannot stop smiling when twirling on the dance floor.
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. Power and Purity is the story of how Holy Spirit has been training and teaching me all these years. May you glean gold from these thrashings.
I was tempted to not write an about me page because this blog is not about me. But as a reader, I appreciate knowing where someone is coming from. And nobody can seem to figure out my “spiritual background”, so here’s why.

Spiritual Background
I have anything but a cookie-cutter upbringing in the church, and I love that. It gives me a strong passion to see unity among the Bride of Christ across denominations and nations.
Acapella Hymns
I grew up in Austin with friends in my homeroom classes from all over the world. Vietnam, France, Germany, Mexico, on and on. I grew up living the melting pot or the salad bowl or whatever other beautiful way we describe America nowadays.
We went to a Church of Christ and my favorite part was the resonance of voices singing hymns. When we didn’t go to church, I had communion in the backyard with the tarantulas, geckos, stuffed animals, and sometimes my little brother or sister if I could rope them in.
Salvation & Backpacking
After a very dark depression, when I was 17, I asked Jesus to be Lord of my life on a 24-hour hiking solo in the mountains with my Boulder Baptist youth group. I went on my first missions trips to Canada and Mexico and felt fully alive. And loved.
Swing Dancing & Freedom
In college, I found freedom from legalism while swing dancing with my Orthodox friends. I learned more about being a prayer warrior in the Furnace, a prayer internship at New Life. During this season, we discovered I had an autoimmune disorder where the doctors told me I’d never have children. I fasted and prayed and God miraculously healed me! I majored in Latino Poetry in its cultural context and traveled to Brasil. I love Brasil.
Love & Marriage
After college, I met and married my gorgeous husband in our poetic International Anglican Church of the Rwandan diocese. After the genocide, Rwanda knew America needs God so they started our church in Colorado. They taught me about psalms and lamentations and exegesis and community.
Baptism & Baby in the Baby Carriage
After our first beautiful baby was born, we moved to Florida. During this time, we lived through SPPD, military deployment and military moves which helped us dig even deeper into the well of the Lord. We learned to experience the Body of Christ as they fought for us in prayer and took us in when we were without a home for many months. Long story. Redemptive story. There, I was baptized in water and in fire in our Assemblies of God Church. Dan took me to the pastor and said, “What happened to my wife?” Holy Spirit was doing a new thing, and we’d never experienced anything like it! Stuff we only read about in the Bible and believed to be true cognitively was now becoming our actual real life experience. It was awesome!
we lived Acts 2
Baby & Deliverance
After our second beautiful baby was born, we moved to Nebraska. I tanked with SPPD and insomnia, but we had such a good life. I learned about prophecy and deliverance and inner healing on a whole new level. Our church home represented over 55 nations. It was heaven on earth! Chinese friends taught me about repentance. West Africa friends taught me about warfare. That was our equipping season. And we went swing dancing all the time! We learned to hear God’s voice, worship, and weep at the altar. My health tanked and we fought for my life in prayer and fasting. And God did another miracle in me and healed me!
we lived Joel 2
Sorrow & Restoration
A few months later, we moved to Colorado with only a year left to retire from the Air Force. We had big plans and loads of love. In the middle of that move, my husband died suddenly in a mountain hiking incident. The pandemic lockdown was just a few months later. That kind of crushing tethers us to beautiful Jesus in the most unglorified and ugly of ways. I learned about grief and trauma and hope and healing. That about brings us to this season.
Inner Healing & New Assignment
On 2/22/2025, the Lord set me free on a whole new level and gave me an assignment: to tutor the saints in how to walk with Holy Spirit. He said new wine needs new wine skins, which is why I have created this new website.
For more about my book and ministry, pop over to my other home on the internet:
But the new wine is here. Power & Purity is here because we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimony. Take heart and go deeper still.

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Find healing and hope here.